Communication Board
Jan 28, 2025
Hello! In regard to my previous email: THE DOI and BOEM POSTPONED TODAY's and THURSDAY'S virtual meetings to be in line with the Administration's EO.
The deadline for public comment may still be in effect.
Here's the announcement:
The Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management are implementing the Administration’s Executive Order temporarily halting offshore wind leasing on the Outer Continental Shelf. The EO also pauses new or renewed approvals, rights-of-way, permits, leases, or loans for offshore wind projects pending a review of federal wind leasing and permitting practices.
The PEIS and other info is available on the BOEM California Activities page ( )
Jan 27, 2025
Today, at 5PM, is the first of two virtual meetings regarding the draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that assesses the potential mitigation of future development associated with the five offshore wind lease areas off California’s central and north coasts.
The NOA initiated a 90-day public comment period that ends at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on February 12, 2025.
During the public comment period, BOEM is hosting two virtual public meetings to allow the public to learn more about the draft Programmatic EIS, ask questions, and provide oral testimony.
The virtual public meetings will be held on the following dates. All times are Pacific Time:
• Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025
◦ Time: 5:00 p.m.
• Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025
◦ Time: 12:00 p.m.
The Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management are implementing President Trump’s Executive Order (EO) temporarily halting offshore wind leasing on the Outer Continental Shelf. The EO also pauses new or renewed approvals, rights-of-way, permits, leases, or loans for offshore wind projects pending a review of federal wind leasing and permitting practices.
The PEIS is available on the BOEM California Activities page ( )
Mary Nishimoto, PhD
January 4, 2025
Seeking Fishermen Participation in New Study
You are being asked to participate in a research study being conducted by Claire Gonzales and
Dr. Halley Froehlich at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Participation is voluntary.
The purpose of this research study is to describe the challenges being faced by commercial
fishermen in California and if there are ocean management solutions that fishermen perceive as
beneficial to meet these challenges. For more information: Check out the flyer next to this post. Or email
Nov 8, 2024
On or about November 18, 2024, the M/V Lauren C will be conducting live boat underwater pipeline inspection work with an ROV, 24 hr ops, along the pipeline between Platform Irene and shore in the Pt. Pedernales Unit Field.
Project: Platform Irene Pipeline inspection
Start Date: NOV 18, 2024 weather permitting
Weather Window: Nov 18 to Dec 5, 2024
Duration of Project: Approximately 5 days, 24-hour operations
Work area location: Platform Irene Pipelines to shore. Please see attached Map.
Owner: Freeport McMoRan
Vessel: M/V Lauren C; official number 1193859; IMO 9383792
The vessel will be monitoring channel 16. The vessel’s general description is the following: 225’ LOA; Red hull and white superstructure; typical Supply Boat configuration.
Please avoid fishing in the work area during the project. Your cooperation is appreciated. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Jason Smith, Project Manager at Aqueos, (805) 676-4330 or 805-205-3156. You are welcome to contact me as well.
Thank you and best regards,
Mary Nishimoto, PhD
100 North Hope Ave. Suite 20
Santa Barbara, CA 93110
Office 805-963-8819 Fax (805)966-2332
Oct 31, 2024
FUGRO USA MARINE INC., contractor for CHEVRON INC. will be conducting a bathymetric and geophysical survey from the JulieAnn in the area OFFSHORE CARPINTERIA. See MAP ATTACHED. Daylight operations will last approximately 14 days weather permitting, starting tomorrow 10/31 to 11/13/24.
The vessel JulieAnn will have limited maneuverability during operations. Use due caution when transiting in the area. For more details or comments contact Cindy Pratt at 805-289-3807.
Type of Operation: Bathymetric and Geophysical Survey
Location / Position Information: Offshore Carpinteria, California
Start and End Dates: Start: Oct. 31, 2024, End: Nov. 13, 2024
Vessel(s) Involved (include FCC Call Sign): JulieAnn
VHF Freq’s Monitored: VHF16
Daylight operations will be conducted.
Point of Contact: Cindy Pratt, 805-289-3807
The survey area on the attached map is outlined by the following coordinates.
1, 34.39248417, -119.5275461 or 34° 23.5490502¢, 119° 31.652766¢
2, 34.38423386, -119.5003626 or 34° 23.0540316¢, 119° 30.021756¢
3, 34.32921169, -119.5250365 or 34° 19.7527014¢, 119° 31.50219¢
4, 34.33745288, -119.5570941 or 34° 20.2471728¢, 119° 33.425646¢
Your cooperation is appreciated. Please pardon the lateness of this notification. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or Cindy at Fugro.
Best regards,
Mary Nishimoto, PhD
Sept 21, 2024
Lobster season is beginning!
Monday, September 23 marks the first day, one hour before sunrise, that lobster traps can be set in the water. Marked, open, unbaited lobster traps may be placed in the water not more than 9 days before the opening, no earlier than 1-hour before sunrise. Fishermen can bait and set traps 24 hrs before the season starts. The season starts one hour before sunrise on Wednesday, October 2.
Please be aware that harbor parking, dockside activity, and vessel traffic offshore will be increasing markedly as commercial fishermen stage traps, load vessels, and head out to set traps for the opening of the spiny lobster season.
Lobster traps typically are deployed in less than 10 ft to 100 ft of water. Some are deployed as deep as 300 ft. Fishermen move their traps further offshore as the season progresses.
This is a good time for a friendly reminder to vessel operators to keep a watchful eye on their wake when passing working fishermen and keep watch for buoys. Cooperation among all onshore and offshore is greatly appreciated.
The commercial spiny lobster season will run from October 2, 2024 to March 19, 2025. A lobster operator permit holder is issued 300 trap tags for use during the season. Some fishermen have two permits. A fisherman sets traps in a number of areas. Every trap must be tagged. A surface buoy marks a single trap.
The spiny lobster trap fishery is the most valuable fishery, with exception of the squid seine fishery, in the Santa Barbara Port Area (SBPA includes 4 harbors: Santa Barbara, Ventura, Channel Islands, Hueneme). In 2023, 541,029 lbs of lobster worth $10,696,926 (Ex-Vessel Value) was landed in the SBPA. This was 50% of the value of lobster landed ($21,508,895 EVV) in California.
In 2023, spiny lobster ranked third after Dungeness Crab ($54,047,836 EVV) and Squid ($30,397,164 EVV) in California. Lobster accounted for 15% of the value of all landings ($161,221,551 EVV) in the state.
Travel and work safely, and best to all.
Mary Nishimoto, PhD
August 5, 2024
White Shark Tagging Research Update for Aug. 2-4
Friday, Aug. 2, 2024
The sanctuary and CSU Long Beach shark tagging team worked in Carrington Marine Reserve, Santa Rosa Island (SRI)
Saturday, August 3, 2024
Due to weather on the northside of SRI, the team moved to Ford Pt., southside SRI
No sharks were sighted or tagged in either location in the sanctuary. No ocean users were present in either location.
Sunday, Aug. 4, 2024
The research team moved to the mainland and worked from Gaviota pier to the east for approximately 5 miles, and 1+ miles offshore. The team sighted over 7+ white sharks, mostly subadult <10', and 1 adult shark. Three sharks were successfully tagged.
No future tagging research in 2024 is scheduled at this time.
Thank you -
Policy, Information and Management Officer
Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
July 26, 2024
VCCFA is in the early stages of developing a local Fishermen's Market
Due to recent public support, including government officials. Commercial Fishermen are being requested to complete this survey. Please complete by Friday August 2nd.
Please take the 5 minutes to fill out this survey! CLICK HERE
Posted February 3, 2024
The following message has been sent to VCCFA members, and is an inquiry from The Commercial Fishermen of Santa Barbara: Please contact Ava Schulenberg
at if you are interested in participating.
To ensure that any aquaculture endeavors, or other initiatives that could cause spatial loss, minimally impacts fishermen and where they fish/their transit routes, Commercial Fishermen of Santa Barbara has decided to complete a mapping project to create an aggregate heat map showing where our most heavily used zones are. Other ports along the Central Coast have already completed this mapping project for their fleets - This process was kicked off by the encouragement of Ken Bates and Steve Scheiblaure from up North who recommended we have a map for our ports down here too.
This process is entirely confidential and names will not be associated with the data entered. Though CFSB staff (Ava) will be completing the survey with fishermen individually, she (and anyone else) will not be able to see backend data once inputted, only the end product. We have partnered with a third-party data analyst with SeaSketch to build out the software that houses the mapping project. She has access to the data while the process is taking place, but once completed, the raw data will be destroyed and her access will therefore be removed. These details are emphasized in the Data Sharing Agreement that is displayed at the beginning of the survey. Again, the goal is to have an aggregated heat map, and the final product will only be shared with groups that pose a threat to our fishing grounds (with the consent of participants of course).
This process is completely voluntary, but we are hoping that folks will participate because any grounds that are not entered are at risk of being repurposed. We are hoping that this incentivizes fishermen to participate and therefore protect their areas.
If you would like to complete the survey, here is what you can expect:
Ava will meet with you in person and give you an overview of the project
You will read/give consent to the data privacy agreement form
You will fill out your commercial fishing zones using a shape-drawing tool in the SeaSketch interface and then select what species/gear types you use in each shape
You will fill out your transit zones using the shape-drawing tool as well
You will add any additional notes/comments you'd like to share
That's it! Depending on how many areas you fish, these interviews take approximately 30 min on average (14 have been completed so far with Santa Barbara fishermen)
If you are interested in participating in the project, please reach out to Ava directly at or call/text to schedule a meeting time at (805) 403-4811. She is located in Santa Barbara but would be happy to drive to Ventura/Channel Islands to meet with folks accordingly.
Thank you for your consideration.
Posted February 1, 2024
Here are 7 topics from December and January in no particular order. Brief summaries follow. Let me know if you'd like more info on these or other topics.
1. Platform Holly decommissioning and research.
2. Chevron is planning to remove its pipelines in state waters offshore Carpinteria in 2025.
3. BSEE Record of Decision on the Programmatic EIS of Platform decommissioning.
4. The joint CFSB-SBCC Ocean Collective Project is moving forward with program development and infrastructure planning.
5. BOEM will hold scoping meetings on Feb 6 and 8 to inform the preparation of the Programmatic EIS on the development of wind energy from the existing CA lease areas.
6. Morro Bay fishing and environmental community unite to form
7. California Coastal Commission's 7c working group.
1. Platform Holly decommissioning update.
California State Lands Commission anticipates issuing a Notice of Preparation for an Environmental Impact Report on the Platform Holly Decommissioning Project in the spring of 2024 and releasing a Draft EIR for public review in 2025. (Platform Holly is owned by the State of California and is not under the federal jurisdiction of BOEM and BSEE.)
As you know, I am researching and preparing the fisheries technical report that will inform the Platform Holly Decommissioning EIR. Please contact me if you would like to help me by reviewing my findings (mostly from CDFW summaries of landing receipt data) and sharing your knowledge about your commercial fishing experiences and the fishing community you work in. I'd like help from fishermen who fish in the vicinity of Holly, including Goleta Bay and east of Ellwood Pier, and in areas where oil vessels transit between Holly and SB Harbor and Port Hueneme. We'll talk details, and I'll add you to my list. Thanks!
2. Decommissioning of the Chevron Carpinteria Facility and offshore pipelines (Draft EIR public comment period ends Jan 31).
I attended the City of Carpinteria's public meeting on the Draft EIR in December. The planning consultant, MRS Environmental Inc., gave a presentation summarizing their findings.
Chevron is working to secure permits to decommission and remediate its Carpinteria Oil and Gas Processing Facility and the company's offshore pipelines in state waters. The pipeline removals are now slated to begin in 2025.
Chevron plans to completely remove the following pipelines within State waters:
• The Platform Gail and Grace Pipeline Bundle: The concrete encased pipeline bundle makes landfall at the site east of the Casitas Pier. The concrete encased pipeline contains a 10-inch oil and 10-inch gas pipeline (Pipeline Bundle) which originate from Platforms Gail and Grace. It makes landfall at the site east of the Casitas Pier. The Gail and Grace bundle is buried offshore from the -50 isobath to -135-foot isobath inshore the Platform Hope bypass. Pipeline removal operations will begin at the 3-nmi line and progress shoreward.
• A 10-inch oil pipeline from the former Platform Hope, located on risers east of the Platform Gail and Grace bundle.
• The Marketing and Marine Terminal pipeline bundle: This runs from the shore plant west of the Casitas Pier and includes a 10-inch and 12-inch pipeline which extend approximately 2,600 feet offshore to the previous location of the marine terminal. The water depth of the offshore ends of the pipelines is approximately 65 to 70 feet.
The offshore work period is slated for September-November 2025. Offshore removal methods can include utilizing a crane barge to lift and cut pipe into sections on a barge deck and/or Diver/ROVdirected hydraulic pipe shearing to cut the pipe into sections on the seafloor and a pipe grappling to recover pipe sections to a vessel deck. The safety exclusion zone would move along the pipeline corridors from offshore to inshore as work proceeds.
The following offshore facilities are not operated by Chevron and will remain.
• Gas Pipeline from Platform Habitat;
• Platform Hazel and Heidi Pipelines Offshore – Abandoned in place under previous approval by California
State Lands Commission (CSLC); and
• Power Cable from Platforms Hogan and Houchin.
Visit to access the DEIR andview maps of the project area and pipeline routes EIR, and/or to submit a comment, . The public comment period ends Jan. 31.
3. BSEE's Record of Decision (ROD) on the PEIS for oil decommissioning in federal waters.
BSEE released a Record of Decision, after its review of the BOEM/BSEE Programmatic Environmental Impact Study for oil decommissioning on the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf (POCS). The PEIS analyzes the impacts of the decommissioning of all the federal platforms collectively. BSEE concurred with the PEIS that its preferred alternative is the complete removal of platforms, topside, conductors, the platform jackets to at least 4.6 m (15 ft) below the mud line, and the complete removal of pipelines, power cables, and other subsea infrastructure (i.e., wells, obstructions, and facilities), with site clearance of debris and obstructions including shell mounds. The use of explosive methods is permissible if nonexplosive severance methods cannot successfully be utilized for piling and conductor removals.
According to BSEE, in the long term, this would ensure that no O&G infrastructure would remain on the POCS seafloor that could interfere with navigation, commercial fisheries, future O&G operations, and other current or future POCS users.
Although not its preferred alternative, BSEE recognizes partial removal of platforms as "the environmentally preferable alternative based on the seafloor disturbance that would occur with complete removal; the expressed public desire to maintain hard bottom habitats that have become established from the presence of O&G infrastructure and to decrease localized habitat loss; and the potentially enhanced benefits for recreational and commercial fishing."
Partial removal was not selected as the preferred alternative because leaving some infrastructure in place "may pose long term risks to other uses on the OCS, including entanglement and loss of gear to commercial and recreational fishing and contaminant leaching from potential hazardous materials present in shell mounds remaining around the base of platforms."
According to the ROD, if applicants propose project-specific reefing activities (I assume would be coupled with partial removal), then BSEE states in the ROD that applicants "will work directly with a state reefing program to meet the requirements of the National Fishing Enhancement Act (1984)." The NFEA established the National Artificial Reef Plan that identifies O&G structures as acceptable materials for artificial-reef development, and established a reef-permitting system under the US Army Corp of Engineers.
A recent Montecito Journal article, "Oil Platforms’ Removal?: Reefing the Superior Environmental Option," used reliable sources of information to support rigs to reefs and raised concerns about the BSEE/BOEM PEIS and BSEE's Record of Decision.
4. The joint CFSB-SBCC Ocean Collective Project is moving forward.
At the Channel Island National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council meeting that I attended on 1/19, the Ocean Collective project was well received by the SAC when Kim Selkoe (Director, Commercial Fishermen of Santa Barbara) and Michelle Paddack (Marine Science Professor, Santa Barbara City College) gave their presentation on the project.
The Ocean Collective project will have a home on the SBCC campus near the Marine Technology Bldg, and will provide new boat and gear storage as well as develop workforce training programs that support the future of fisheries. The next year will be busy with detailed planning for programs and facilities, getting approvals and pursuing federal and state funding to break ground.
5. BOEM Scoping Meetings, Feb 6 and 8, on the CA OWE Development PEIS.
BOEM will hold scoping meetings to inform preparation of the "Programmatic EIS for Future Floating Wind Energy Development Related to 2023 Leased Areas Offshore CA." In the meetings, the public will learn about the environmental review process and can provide comments on the scope of the draft PEIS. The virtual scoping meetings will be held on:
Tuesday, February 6, 2024; 10 a.m. PT
Thursday, February 8, 2024; 5 p.m. PT
The PEIS will analyze potential impacts of Federal offshore wind energy development activities on the five offshore wind lease areas off California’s central and north coast. The purpose of the PEIS is to propose programmatic mitigation measures and analyze the impacts from the human and natural environment that could result from adopting those measures.
BOEM is asking for comments on the scope of the PEIS, "including potential alternatives and draft mitigation measures". The public comment period for the California Offshore Wind PEIS ends on February 20, 2024.
6. Morro Bay fishing and environmental communities unite.
I learned from Tom Hafer, President of the Morro Bay Commercial Fishermen's Organization, that Sheri H. (his wife) is the director of It was formed as an unusual alliance of the fishing and environmental communities in response to the momentum of the offshore wind planning process that has many concerned. Its mission is to educate and help people understand the process, including those in responsible government agencies. They aim to educate the public on how to effectively respond and comment. I've visited the website--there is a wealth of documents and studies from reliable sources available. REACT is planning a big Save Our Seas event March 9th at noon in Morro Bay. More information will be on the website.
7. The 7C working group begins meeting regularly.
In its review of the lease sale, the California Coastal Commission identified many potential impacts to the commercial and recreational fishing industries from offshore wind development. Its concurrence with the lease sale was subject to seven conditions, which are in the Commission’s concurrence letter.
Condition 7 focused on impacts to fisheries, and called for the formation of a Working Group to develop a strategy to address the identified impacts to the fishing industry from offshore wind. The 7C Working group is charged with negotiating a "strategy for avoidance, minimization, and mitigation of impacts to fishing and fisheries that prioritizes fisheries productivity, viability, and long-term resilience. The strategy is expected to include:
• Protocols for communication;
• Best practices for surveys and data collection;
• A methodology for comprehensive socioeconomic analysis of direct and indirect impacts to fishing;
• A framework for compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts; and
• A fishing agreement template that memorializes the elements of the strategy.
The strategy will include specific consideration of those fisheries that are disproportionately and/or directly affected by offshore wind development."
California's commercial fisheries and the industry's associations from along the coast are well represented in the 7C Group that also includes representatives from tribes, processors, recreational/charter industry, processors, the wind energy companies, and local, state, and federal agencies. See the group roster, the concurrence letter, and more information at
Posted January 23, 2024
Re: Channel Islands Harbor
The HOIST at Fisherman's Wharf is now operative!
We received a call from HARBOR Master Andy Werner today letting us know the hoist is now back in operation.
Tokens can be purchased through the Harbor Department at the Harbor Patrol office.
If you have any issues (at all, pertaining to the Commercial Fishing Imfrastructure) please let the VCCFA know so we can continue to make sure the issues are resolved.
Posted Jan 7th, 2024
Regulatory changes or updates to the CCA area opened off of Palos Verdes are covered in this link. All commercial fishermen are encouraged to become familiar with all regulatory changes and keep up with the laws that are being enforced in regard to commercial fishing activities.
Below is a link to the webpage that describes
Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; Fisheries Off West Coast States; Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan; Amendment 32; Modifications to Non-Trawl Sector Area Management Measures
Posted Nov 5th, 2023
Local Notice to Mariners
Commercial Fishing Operations San Nicholas Island
Please be advised. Ventura County Commercial Fishermen's Association member vessels will be operating within a 35 mile radius of San Nicholas Island between January 01, 2024 and June 15, 2024. Vessels can be expected in this area anytime wind and sea state is at a Beauford Scale of 4 or less. Gear will be marked with a flagged highflyer, radar reflector, lights and bouys. Please give CPA of 1/2 mile. Vessels can be contacted on VHF Channel 16 and 11.
For Updated LNM from Coast Guard District 11 follow this link
UPDATE As of January 23, 2024 The Hoist has been fixed
*The following notice is kept up for archival purposes
The Fisherman's Wharf (corner Victoria Ave and C.I. Blvd) Hoist is down (broke) until an unknown estimated time according to the HarborMaster
Posted October 13, 2023 and relevant as of January 7th, 2024
updated Jan 07, 2024
Update January 7th, 2024
According to the C.I. Harbor Master, The company the harbor has outsourced to fix the crane at Fishermans Wharf is still in the process of fixing the hoist. No date of definate fix has been set yet. The harbor admin. will let the VCCFA know when the repairs are complete. In the meantime, please continue to use arine Emporium Landing. For access to the hoist @ Marine Emporium Landing, please contact Hooks Landing at Hooks Sport Fishing via phone (805) 382-6233 or walk in at their location 3600 Cabezone Cir. Suite 115 Oxnard, CA 93035
Update Nov. 18th
According to Harbor Master on Wednesday Nov. 22nd an outside company will be on site to asses and begin fixing the F.W. Hoist. Updates will be made here as they are realized. In the meantime, use Marine Emporium Landing for offloading and hoist activity.
The Fisherman's Wharf (corner Victoria Ave and C.I. Blvd) Hoist is down (broke) until an unknown estimated time according to the HarborMaster.
All hoist traffic will need to be diverted to Marine Emporium Landing. If you need to use the hoist, please contact Hooks Landing at 8053826233, or visit in person their storefront at Marine Emporium Landing. (3600 Harbor Blvd, Oxnard)
The motor needs to be replaced, which will require some legistics from Harbor Maintenance Department (HMD). We have been assured by the Harbor Master that it is a ticketed item, the HMD is currently looking into a new motor, The uninstall of old motor and install of new motor is going to require a skylift, man hours, and finding the same motor, specific to the aged hoist.
Any questions can be directed here via email or call me at 805-663-2152
I will send a follow up email when the hoist is fixed and ready.
I have contacted Urchin Processors.
Dave Colker
Posted August 17, 2023
The Fisherman's Wharf hoist is now back up and running. The Channel Islands Harbor Administration Thanks You for your patients as the hoist was being repaired. There are Two hoists to choose from for Commercial FIshing. Marine Emporium Landing and Fisherman's Wharf. Contact Harbor Patrol 805-973-5960 with any questions or to purchase tokens.
Posted Aug 17, 2023
Letter from Sarah Shoffler to The VCCFA, National Seafood Strategy Coordinator
NOAA Fisheries
I am pleased to share that NOAA Fisheries released our first National Seafood Strategy. The strategy, along with several supporting documents, is posted on our website. The strategy aligns with the Administration's goals for economic recovery, environmental sustainability and climate resilience. The White House conference on hunger, nutrition, and health points to the need for increased seafood consumption in the U.S. and this strategy aims to address that. Further, the resilience of the seafood sector supports the Department of Commerce Strategic Plan objective for equitable, resilient, place-based economic development and job growth through growth in the Blue Economy.
The National Seafood Strategy outlines our direction for supporting a thriving domestic U.S. seafood economy and enhancing the resilience of the seafood sector in the face of climate change and other stressors. Our vision is to ensure that:
● U.S. seafood continues to be produced sustainably
● U.S. seafood production increases to support jobs, the economy, and the competitiveness of the U.S. seafood sector
● The U.S. seafood sector contributes to the nation’s climate-ready food production and to meeting critical domestic nutritional needs
● Supply chains and infrastructure are modernized with more value-added activity in the United States
● Opportunities are expanded for a diverse and growing seafood workforce
NOAA Fisheries plans to accomplish this by focusing on four goals: (1) maintain or increase sustainable U.S. wild capture production, (2) increase sustainable U.S. aquaculture production, (3) foster access to domestic and global markets for the U.S. seafood industry, and (4) strengthen the entire U.S. seafood sector.
The strategy was developed based on feedback from partners, industry, Tribes, and stakeholders concerning the many challenges facing the seafood sector—climate change, the coronavirus pandemic, new technologies and other ocean uses, significant labor shortages, and aging infrastructure, to name a few— and the role NOAA Fisheries might play in sustaining it. Public comments received in February and March 2023 were used to strengthen and improve the strategy. The most significant change was the addition of an Equity and Environmental Justice objective under Goal 4.
The National Seafood Strategy will reinforce NOAA Fisheries’ critical science and management support to the seafood sector. Stakeholders recognize that the science conducted by the agency to support management of wild capture fisheries and seafood farming is essential for the well-being of the U.S. seafood sector. The industry needs NOAA Fisheries and other federal agencies to provide more support for and attention to adaptation to climate change, changing markets, and new ocean uses; new domestic sources of seafood supply (wild capture and aquaculture); fair trade; workforce development; and recapitalizing and modernizing seafood infrastructure.
This strategy identifies NOAA Fisheries’ strong commitment to seafood sector resilience. I am confident it will help us contribute to a strong economy and increased food security, while continuing our core work in fisheries science and management.
If you would like more information on the National Seafood Strategy, please reach out.
Posted Aug 8th. 2023
During August 14-26, please avoid fishing in the work area offshore Summerland Beach where two legacy wells will be re-abandoned.
Divers will be in the water at times.
The two wells, Treadwell 1 and 5, are located in approximately 20’ of water, 500-600’ from shore. The WORK AREA (anchor zone, see FIGURE ATTACHED) is bounded by:
NW Corner. 34° 25.1052 N, 119° 35.99556’ W (34.41842, -119.599926)
NE Corner. 34° 25.06962’ N, 119° 35.88672’ W (34.417827, -119.598112)
SW Corner. 34° 24.927’ N, 119° 36.15018’ W (34.41545, -119.602503)
SE Corner. 34° 24.85164’ N, 119° 35.91276’ W (34.414194, -119.598546)
Type of Operation: Summerland Treadwell #1 and #5 Well Re-abandonment.
Work will involve marine construction and divers in the water.
Job Location: Offshore Summerland Beach, Santa Barbara County
Lat. 34.417389 N, Long. 119.599361
Project Start: Vessel will be on location August 14, 2023
Project Completion: On or before August 26, 2023
Vessels involved in the operation:
DB Salte Verde (call sign WDF 9705)
Support Tug Bernadine C (call sign WDI 7204)
Support Tug Sarah C (call sign WDD 9226)
VHF-FM Radio Frequencies monitored by vessels on scene:
Monitor Channel: 16
Working Channel: 01
24-Hr Point of Contact:
Primary: Martin (Marty) Morenovilla, CAW Resources (714) 277-2505
Secondary: Ken Phan, 2H California, Inc. (415) 238-2748
Please avoid the work area during the project. If you must transit through the work area, please make arrangement to pass through with Martin or Ken. Transit at slowest safe speed to minimize wake and proceed with caution.
Please let Michelle Pasini or me know if you have questions or concerns.
Michelle Pasini, President / Principal Consultant at Beacon West Consulting, C: 805-766-7484
Posted August 5, 2023
On August 10 (Thur)-16 (Wed), the Motor Vessel Danny C will be conducting Remote-Operated-Vehicle operations off Goleta CA. The vessel will be working in live-boat mode for the ROV operations. ROV OPS will be during daylight hours.
Start Date: On August 10, 2023
Duration of Project: 7 Days
Location: Offshore Goleta CA
Areas to be surveyed: See attached map
Platform Holly, natural substrate, Holly to shore pipelines, seep to shore pipeline
seep tents, Holly power cable, two offshore reefs and natural substrate in vicinity.
Not on map--
Seep tent area:
34° 23.0467' N, 119° 53.3675' W
Natural reefs:
South of Campus Point in 214 ft (34°22.78’ -119°50.48’)
South of Gato Canyon in 227 ft (34°24.49’ -119°59.57’)
Owner: Padre & Assoc
The Danny C, official number 506332, call sign WBE 8593, will be monitoring channel 16 and cell phone (805) 895-9005. The vessel’s general
description is the following: 76’ LOA; black hull with red highlights and white superstructure; typical Utility Boat configuration with deck-mounted crane.
We appreciate your assistance. I will be one of the UCSB scientists on board collecting data for the biological assessment that will inform the Platform Holly Decommissioning Environmental Impact Report. If you have any questions/concerns please do not hesitate to contact Jason Smith, project manager at Aqueos (805) 205-3156 or me.
Thank you for your cooperation,
100 North Hope Ave. Suite 20
Santa Barbara, CA 93110
Office 805-963-8819
JUNE 19, 2021
JOFLO News for Fishermen: Tomorrow, 3-6PM, CEC's Fishing Community Engagement Meeting
The California Energy Commission (CEC) is having the last of six Fishing Community Engagement Meetings for the AB 525 Offshore Wind Development Strategic Plan.
Tuesday (Tomorrow), June 20th from 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm (Virtual) Register:
There was an in-person meeting on June 8 in Morro Bay. CFSB has posted their minutes from that meeting:
On behalf of 19 California commercial fishing organizations, Steve Scheiblauer compiled, wrote, and submitted "Fishing Industry Comment letter on OSW seascape planning, impacts, and mitigation" to the CEC. This and other comment letters can be accessed at:
These meetings are aimed to inform CEC of possible impacts to commercial and recreational fisheries associated with offshore wind development on California’s central and north coasts and the identification of additional suitable sea space. Participants are invited to share strategies for addressing these impacts to inform the development of a Strategic Plan to guide California’s development of offshore wind energy consistent with the requirements of Assembly Bill (AB) 525.
AB 525 Interim Reports and Consultant Reports are available on the AB 525 webpage
Contact: Vidya Bhamidi, Senior Associate, Kearns & West (neutral-party facilitator hired by CEC),
p:(415) 738-7956
May 31, 2023
JOFLO News for Fishermen: Marine Planning--Offshore Wind Energy Development
1. Commercial Fishermen's Workshop with California Energy Commission (CEC) to identify additional suitable seaspace and assess impacts for OWE Development. Online Thursday, June 1, 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM PTD (The workshop may end sooner or later than the posted end time.)
2. The Pacific Fishery Management Council’s (PFMC) Ad Hoc Marine Planning Committee (MPC) will hold an online public meeting with representatives from OWE leasees. Tuesday, June 6, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. PTD or until business for the day has been completed.
Details on 1 and 2 below
1. Commercial fishermen's meeting with CEC-- announcement from Pacific West Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations (PCFFA):
Workshop on Assembly Bill 525: Identifying Additional Suitable Sea Space and Assessing Impacts and Mitigations for Offshore Wind Energy Development
EVENT DATE: Thursday, June 1, 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM (The workshop may end sooner or later than the posted end time.)
Remote Access Only
Log in at and enter the Webinar ID 881 8037 6887 and passcode 458552 and follow all prompts.
Or call toll-free at (888) 475-4499 or toll at (669) 219-2599. When prompted, enter the Webinar ID 881 8037 6887 and passcode 458552.
For Zoom Difficulty Contact Zoom at (888) 799-9666 ext. 2, or the CEC Public Advisor at, or by phone at (916) 957-7910.
This is one of several upcoming meetings set up specifically by the California Energy Commission (at our request) to get input from the fishing industry on ways to minimize fishery conflicts, and it’s important that we get broad participation from the fleet. Additional Port meetings are scheduled also, and that information will be sent out on this link later in the week. -- Glen Spain
The California Energy Commission (CEC) will host a workshop that will focus on the requirements established in Assembly Bill 525 (Chiu, Chapter 231, Statutes of 2021) (AB 525) to identify suitable sea space for wind energy areas in federal waters sufficient to accommodate the offshore wind planning goals established for 2030 and 2045. The offshore wind planning goals established are 2 to 5 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind generation by 2030 and 25 GW by 2045. In identifying suitable sea space, the CEC will consider existing data and information on offshore wind resource potential and commercial viability, existing and necessary transmission and port infrastructure, and protection of cultural and biological resources with the goal of prioritizing least-conflict ocean areas.
A quorum of CEC commissioners may participate, but no votes will be taken.
Zoom Closed Captioning Service. At the bottom of the screen, click the Live Transcript CC icon and choose “Show Subtitle” or “View Full Transcript” from the pop-up menu. To stop closed captioning, close the “Live Transcript” or select “Hide Subtitle” from the pop-up menu. If joining by phone, closed captioning is automatic and cannot be turned off. While closed captioning is available in real-time, it can include errors. A more accurate transcript of the workshop will be docketed and posted as soon as possible after the meeting concludes.
2. The Pacific Fishery Management Council’s (PFMC) Ad Hoc Marine Planning Committee (MPC) will hold an online public meeting. The meeting will be held Tuesday, June 6, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time or until business for the day has been completed.
This meeting is being conducted remotely with a web broadcast that provides the opportunity for remote public comment. Agenda and meeting info at
The MPC will consider current offshore wind (OSW) energy issues and to provide information and advice to the Pacific Council for consideration at its June 2023 meeting. The primary purpose of the meeting will be to discuss pending Fisheries Communications Plans for the five California OSW leases provisionally awarded in December 2022. They anticipate representatives of the five California OSW leases to be present to join the discussion. Other topics may be considered as appropriate. This online meeting will not include presentations on the pending draft Wind Energy Areas off the Oregon Coast as was originally planned.
May 31, 2023
JOFLO News for Fishermen: 6/5 CSLC Oil Piers Removal Celebration and 6/7 Platform Holly Town Hall
Upcoming CSLC decommissioning events
Mon 6/5 9 AM CSLC Oil Piers 421 Removal Celebration at Site
Wed 6/7 6 PM Platform Holly Town Hall In-Person in Goleta
Details from CSLC below
Piers 421 Last Shorezone Oil Production Piers Removed
Meet Monday, June 5, 2023, 9:00 a.m. – Piers 421 Decommissioning Project Site, Goleta. The State Lands Commission is hosting an event to celebrate the successful removal of Piers 421 – the last shorezone oil production piers. We will meet in the public parking location next to the Ritz-Carlton Bacara Resort & Spa (follow the directions to the Bacara Resort & Spa and look for the coastal access/beach parking lot on the left – the Cliff Drysdale Tennis Club parking lot, which also serves as the public parking lot for visitors to Haskell’s Beach) in the City of Goleta. At approximately 9:05 a.m., we will walk ½ mile along the beach to the former location of the piers. The event will end at approximately 11:00 a.m., in time for the Commission to convene its 12:00 p.m. meeting. The public is invited to attend in their own private vehicles. Please note that carpooling and ride sharing is strongly encouraged as parking is very limited. Additionally, the terrain is uneven and proper attire, including sturdy, closed-toe footwear, should be worn.
Town Hall to Update the Community about the Platform Holly Decommissioning Process
Meet Wednesday, June 7th, 2023 from 6 to 8 p.m. the California State Lands Commission and the City of Goleta will host a town hall to update the public on the Platform Holly decommissioning process and timeline. NOTE: This town hall will be in-person only. A live recording will be available via webcast afterward.
The Commission, along with partners, have plugged the 30 wells on Platform Holly and eliminated the hydrogen sulfide risk to the community and environment from those wells. Staff are working to inert the platform by cleaning the structure and equipment of residual hydrocarbons; removing the conductor casings, which serve as the final well connections between the platform and seabed; and preparing the platform for a caretaker period whereby the platform can be safely destaffed while the platform awaits decommissioning.
City of Goleta
City Hall, Council Chambers
130 Cremona Drive
Goleta, California 93117
May 5th, 2023
JOFLO News for Fishermen: Safety Equipment
It's a good time for me to remind all who fish much of the time off SANTA BARBARA COUNTY about the County's Fishery Enhancement Fund's SAFETY EQUIPMENT REIMBURSEMENT. The funds have been provided by oil companies as Santa Barbara County's condition for offshore project approval. A boat owner/lessee can receive UP TO $1,000 IN REIMBURSEMENTS within a 12-month period to cover, in combination:
Up to $750 reimbursement for a new life raft, repacking a life raft, or a new inflatable buoyant apparatus;
Up to $500 reimbursement for a new EPIRB;
Up to $250 reimbursement for replacing EPIRB batteries;
Up to $200 reimbursement for a new immersion suit;
Up to $150 reimbursement for a pack of flares;
Up to $100 reimbursement for a hydro release for EPIRB.
Please see the attached application form for qualifications.
If you have any questions, contact Rey Harmon at Co of SB Planning and Development, , 805-450-7806 , or me.
Sent to the VCCFA May 5th,2023 from Mary Nishimoto, PhD
May 4, 2023
Volunteer positions are currently being sought for a
Commercial Fishing seat (alternate)! For over forty years, the
Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary remains invested
in relationships with the commercial fishing community in
order to provide resource protection that supports productive
April 28, 2023
Aqueos, on the MV Danny C, will be conducting Mooring overhaul work on the Ellwood Crew Boat Mooring during daylight hours. The vessel will be working in a “moored mode”.
Start Date: On or about April 28, 2023 (Friday)
Owner: ExxonMobil
Project duration: Approximately 2 days
See attached Map (Note that this is a 2017 map, and I have converted the "new" positions provided to deg-min for you below.)
Ellwood Crew Boat Mooring location:
Anchor location Lat deg Lat min Long deg Long min
West anchor, position 34 25.62787 119 55.33590
East anchor, position 34 25.62912 119 55.28412
Motor Vessel Danny C; official number 506332; call sign WBE 8593;
The vessel will be monitoring channel 16 and cell phone (805) 895-9005. The vessel’s general description is the following: 76’ LOA; black hull with red highlights and white superstructure; typical Utility Boat configuration with deck-mounted crane.
April 7, 2023
Fishermen from Ventura County have been invited to a one one one interview (April 13th, 2023) to participate in conversation and provide feedback, and creative ideas to the Fishery Friendly Climate Action campaign in creating solutions from and for commercial fisherman.
The Friendly Climate Action Campaign is conducting interviews with fishery leaders and vessel owners to collect information on fuel efficiency measures, thoughts on alternative propulsion methods like biofuels and batteries, and recommendations for new or improved federal and state programs that could help put low-carbon fishing technologies within reach for fishermen, support education and pilot projects, help vessel owners save money, and avoid top-down, one size fits all, technologically specific mandates in the future.
The findings will be rolled into a report that will be published by fishing industry associations (once we have a draft, we'll invite you to sign on) and presented to policy makers.
Question posed to Ventura County Fishermen from Sarah Schumann, Coordinator of the The Friendly Climate Action Campaign are:
Would you or some of your members be interested in meeting with me while I'm in Ventura on April 13? The interview is one-on-one and participants receive a $20 stipend and a T shirt bearing the slogan "I support climate action led by people in boots, not people in suits."
Sarah can be reached via email, Please let Sarah know if you are interested in attending.Please report back to the vccfa at with any questions or comments.
-Dave Colker
MARCH 23, 2023
Attention Fishermen
Owner: ExxonMobil
Project duration: Approximately 2 days
See attached Map (Note that this is a 2017 map, and below, I have converted the "new" positions provided to deg-min for you. I will inquire about current location of anchors and send update if needed).
Ellwood Crew Boat Mooring location:
Anchor location Lat deg Lat min Long deg Long min
West anchor, position 34 25.62787 119 55.33590
East anchor, position 34 25.62912 119 55.28412
Motor Vessel Danny C; official number 506332; call sign WBE 8593;
The vessel will be monitoring channel 16 and cell phone (805) 895-9005. The vessel’s general description is the following: 76’ LOA; black hull with red highlights and white superstructure; typical Utility Boat configuration with deck-mounted crane
Aqueos appreciates your assistance in this regard and should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me or Jason Smith, Aqueos Corp. project manager, (805) 205-3156.
Best regards,
Mary Nishimoto, PhD