ACR 210 Passes Senate Floor August 31, 2024

Calls upon the relevant state entities to prioritize the creation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Specifically, this bill:  

To see who voted for and voted against, visit 

Updated: Sept. 2nd 2024

History of ACR 210

VCCFA Submitted a letter of opposition, along with other commercial fishing groups, and like minded assotiations.  

A Resolution introduced by Assemblymember Steve Bennett (D.38) to the California Assembly:  Committee on Water Parks and Wildlife. 

Calls upon the relevant state entities to prioritize the creation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Specifically, this bill:  

Opposed by:

VCCFA Letter of Opposition

Submitted June 18, 2024 

ACR 210.pdf

ACR 210 as Amended June 25, 2024

acr210 amended

 June 25, 2024 California Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee

1/2 June 25, 2024 California Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee


16:38 - 24:52 Time Stamp: Asm Bennett ACR-210

2/2 June 25, 2024 California Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee


0:00 - 17:00 Time Stamp: Asm Bennett ACR-210

Noatable Moments 


Assembly Bill Policy Committee Analysis 

CA Assembly Water Parks Wildlife Committee