Ventura County: Charting a Course for Sustainable Seafood

Welcome THE LOG Readers

Surf Our Site !  There is alot of information! 


We are looking for support, and VCCFA is a Nonprofit Association, your donation would be greatly appriciatted.  QR Code is at bottom of this page.  If you have any questions, please email 


Join our facebook group for updates!  Today!

Upcoming Member Meeting: Sunday September 8th 4pm via ZOOM Join VCCFA for an invite

VCCFA and Collaborating Groups have been advocating for protecting the publics access to Fresh Wild-Caught Seafood.  Buying local caught seafood has many benefits...

Fresh!!!!  the shorter time seafood has to travel to your plate, the fresher it will be when it gets there 

Less carbon footprint:   the shorter time seafood has to travel to your plate, the less carbon footprint in the form of fuel consumption, including Jet fuel - Transportation fuel - and Generators keeping the fish product cold.  In short, the closer you are to the food, the less impact on the environment. 

Healthy Non-Genetically Modified (GMO) Food Product: As the world has been exposed 

Supports local economies: Your purchase of local seafood supports an entire industry of fish houses, boat captains, processors, distributors, and more. A strong commercial fishing economy makes for stronger coastal economies overall. 

Protection of our ecosystem: California Department of Fish and Wildlife has work extensively with California Commercial Fishermen, scientists, law makers, and the public to ensure sustainable fishing practices are followed.  The oversite of local caught California Seafood ensures the protection of our eco-system and attention is paid to continuing available fish stocks.  When you purchase Non-Local (foreign) fish products, there is little to no oversite on overfishing practices.  

Commercial Fishermens Consortium of California

(Collaborating Groups)

VCCFA stays in close communication with the following groups, with similar Values, Vision, and Mission statements. .

We are leading a charge to create a network of Commercial Fishing Groups focusing on preserving our Industry.  

Sunday Sept 8, 2024 Next VCCFA Member meeting 

Member meetings are held 1st Sunday every other month at 6pm, (unless holiday weekend, them it will be the week following, such as in this case.  Happy Labor Day!)  virtually using ZOOM meetings. Join VCCFA today to be added to the email list.  Updates, agendas, and invites are sent to all members.


ACR 210 Passes Senate Floor August 31, 2024

Calls upon the relevant state entities to prioritize the creation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Specifically, this bill:  

VCCFA and other Commercial Fishing Groups opposed ACR-210

A resolution introduced by  Assemblymember Steve Bennett (D.38) to the California Assembly. 

Click here for more information 

30x30 Regional Workshops

In 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-82-20, which committed to conserving 30% of California’s lands and coastal waters by 2030 as part of a broader effort to fight climate change, protect biodiversity, and expand access to nature for all Californians. In 2022, the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) released Pathways to 30×30: Accelerating Conservation of California’s Nature, which details strategies and opportunities for achieving the 30×30 target.


Port Hueneme closing its Commercial Fishing Infrastucture: moving it to Ventura Harbor

Following the announcement of a $16 million sub-award from the California State Transportation Agency’s Port and Freight Infrastructure Program (PFIP) grant, the Ventura Port District and the Port of Hueneme are set to commence the next phase of the Commercial Fish Landing Modernization Project. 

Read more here

Fisherman's Wharf Development plans 

located at the corner of Channel Islands Blvd and Victoria Avenue will potentially be developed by Karls' LLC.  Given the relationship Karls has with VCCFA and it's willingness to incorporate Commercial Fishermen into their plans, The VCCFA has submitted a letter of support of this project.  For more information regarding this project,

visit our page dedicated to the proposed changes.

VCCFA and CFSB hosted Summer Beach Day: 

...for Commercial Fishermen and friends.  This gathering took place Sunday August 11th from Noon to 3 PM at Oil Piers Beach and was Potluck style with donations of fish from Wild Local Seafood, and VCCFA  Pres. J. Woods contributions of Wild-Caught White Seabass.  We had appx 30 people show up, and enjoyed the day!  This will be an annual event slated for the 2nd weekend of August each year.  Thank you to everyone who contributed! 

VCCFA is in the early stages of developing a local Fishermen's Market

Due to recent public support, including government officials VCCFA is actively  seeking a pathway to create an Open-Air outdoor Fishermen's Market for Channel Islands Harbor. Local Commercial Fishermen were requested to complete a survey that was due: Monday August 12.  The survey results are now being evaluated.  Thank you to all participants.  

You can still Email with questions or comments.. 

Grant provides funds for VCCFA Executive Director Dave Colker to attend College Courses through Santa Monica College.  

Executive Director Dave Colker  has completed courses in nonprofit management.  The four classes were: Writing Effective Grant Proposals, Advanced Grant Writing, Introduction to Nonprofit Grant Management, and Marketing your  Nonprofit. 

The grant was intended to assist VCCFA's mission of promoting commercial fishery resiliancy. 

Commercial fishery resiliency is the ability of commercial fishing businesses to prepare for and adapt to coastal hazards and fisheries changes. Factors that can impact a commercial fishery's resilience include how fishermen fish and how they are organized.

Scripps News Story on OCEAN BIODIVERSITY [pub. June 7th, 2024, Scripps News]

Activists and Commercial Fishermen at odds over use of nets.  This piece details the battle Commercial Fishermen are up against. The Department of Fish and Wildlife, through Fish and Wildlife Commission have been engaging in conversations and in public forums discussing the most suitable resolutions for commercial fishing practices.  Commercial Fishermen actively participate in this process.   This story sheds some light on the ongoing engagement between Commercial Fishermen, The Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Non-Government Agencies. 

The CA Department of Fish and Wildlife have resolutions based on Scientific Methods.  Commercial Fishermen support this type of approach, rather than the political process, which at times does not give consideration of scientific data. Moreso, based on emotional responses. 

Part 1

Part 2

Video: SoCal's Great White Shark Population is Coming Back Strong
